The press service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted that the Social Welfare Payment (ASP) includes regular payments for those whose income falls below the poverty line, as well as additional funds for children from low-income families. Over the past year, assistance was provided to 129,500 children aged 1 to 6, with a budget of 5.4 billion tenge allocated for this purpose. Furthermore, programs for employment, grants for starting a business, and skills enhancement courses are available for adults.
Now, applications for ASP can be submitted through the portal, career centers, or local akimats. Starting in 2025, the method for determining the poverty level will change; it will be calculated based on the median income of the population. This innovation will not reduce the amount of assistance but will instead increase the number of recipients by approximately 755 families, or over 3,800 individuals.
Additionally, from the beginning of 2025, a pilot project will launch to account for the expenses of families applying for ASP. Information about the movement of funds in accounts will only be verified with the applicant's consent. If a family's expenses do not exceed the poverty level, assistance will be granted in full.