Producer of the "Police Academy" film franchise, Paul Maslansky, passed away at the age of 92. This was reported by screenwriter Pat Proft, as stated by Tengri Life referencing Deadline.
The producer died of natural causes in a hospital in California.
"I am grateful for the opportunity to have met Paul Maslansky," Proft wrote on Facebook. "He hired me and Neil Israel to research and write 'Police Academy.' It was the first film I ever worked on. Paul is no longer with us. Sally and his son... I sympathize with your loss. He left behind a legacy of comedy."
Paul Maslansky produced films such as "The Castle of the Living Dead" (1964), "Race with the Devil" (1975), "The Devil's Alley" (1977), "Return to Oz" (1985), "The Russian House" (1990), "Police Academy 1/2" (1993), and "Fluke" (1995).
On December 1, Bayan Mukhanova passed away - the daughter of the renowned Kazakh writer and public figure Sabit Mukhanov.