The dollar exchange rate dropped to 518 tenge by the end of the week.

Today, January 31, 2025, the daytime trading session at the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) has concluded, establishing the official exchange rate of the dollar to the tenge for February 1, 2, and 3, 2025, as reported by
The dollar exchange rate dropped to 518 tenge by the end of the week.

As a result of the daily trading, the US dollar has decreased by 1.05 tenge — the weighted average exchange rate stands at 518.14 tenge.

Currently, the exchange rates in the exchange offices of Almaty, Astana, and Shymkent are as follows:

  • In Almaty: 519.00520.00 tenge.
  • In Astana: 515.00521.00 tenge.
  • In Shymkent: 517.50519.50 tenge.

The dollar exchange rates in other cities can be found here.

Official exchange rates as of January 31:

  • USD: 519.28 tenge;
  • RUB: 5.31 tenge;
  • EUR: 540.05 tenge.

Other official rates are available here.

The dollar in exchange offices across Kazakhstan:

The euro in exchange offices across Kazakhstan:

The ruble in exchange offices across Kazakhstan: