The dollar is being traded on the exchange for over 527 tenge.

In exchange offices in Astana, the highest selling rate for the US dollar reached 537 tenge, while in Almaty, it was 535.5 tenge.
The dollar is being traded on the exchange for over 527 tenge.

The weighted average exchange rate of the dollar at the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) on January 8 at 11:00 was 527.08 tenge. This information was reported by a correspondent from the business information center

According to, in exchange offices in Astana, the maximum selling rate of the American currency at 11:03 was 537 tenge, while in Almaty it was 535.5 tenge.

The official exchange rate set by the National Bank on January 8 is 527.30 tenge per 1 dollar. The official tenge to dollar exchange rate for the following day is determined based on the results of trading at the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange.