"Why do we need a team like 'Barys'?" A disappointing verdict has been delivered regarding the Kazakhstani club in Russia.

"I keep an eye on various news, and recently the president of Kazakhstan announced that the country is entering an austerity mode and we need to tighten our belts. I think this spells trouble for 'Barys.' Do we really need a team like 'Barys'? The country won’t offer any alternatives. In my opinion, it’s either this team or none at all. Honestly, it’s better to have none, because what we’re witnessing is a farce. During practice, it’s all just a show. I understand that the Asian Games are a crucial tournament for them, but we couldn't care less about this event—what are we supposed to do with it? The coach is systematically ruining the team with ineffective training sessions that have even been canceled during the training camps due to no results. The players can barely move, yet Galym Mambetaliev keeps insisting that they will gain experience. Now, with five more players absent, they will have to recruit players from the struggling 'Snow Leopards.'"
"Why do we need a team like 'Barys'?" A disappointing verdict has been delivered regarding the Kazakhstani club in Russia.

Journalist Aleksey Shevchenko criticized the management of Barys in the program "Sport-Express Hockey" and expressed his views on the Kazakh team, reports citing

— I follow various news, and recently the President of Kazakhstan said that the country is entering a savings mode, and we need to tighten our belts. I think this spells disaster for "Barys." Do we really need such a "Barys"? The country won't provide any alternatives. I believe the club will either be like this or not exist at all. It’s better to have none, because this is just a comedy. At practices, there are just a bunch of balloons. I understand the Asian Games are a crucial tournament for them. We don’t care about this Aseada; what are we supposed to do with it? The coach is systematically destroying the team with pathetic training sessions that have even been cancelled during camps because they yield no results. The players can barely walk, yet Ghalym Mambetaliyev keeps saying they will gain experience. Now five more players will be absent, and they will take players from the struggling "Snow Leopards."

I observe the youth team, but they play with four defenders and eight forwards. And they will be taken away. But it would be one thing if there were talented guys, but they are just average. So why do we need such a "Barys"? I am not against Kazakhstan; I am against this "Barys." Let them make it to the playoffs or not, but they should at least fight. This is not fighting, — stated Shevchenko.