As a result of the daily trading, the US dollar has depreciated by 0.24 tenge — the weighted average exchange rate is 527.23 tenge.
Recall that on January 6, the national currency's exchange rate decreased. For more details, see the link.
Currently, the exchange rates in Almaty, Astana, and Shymkent are as follows:
- In Almaty: 525.00 — 529.00 tenge.
- In Astana: 529.00 — 533.00 tenge.
- In Shymkent: 527.00 — 530.00 tenge.
The dollar in exchange offices in other cities can be found here.
Official exchange rates for January 8:
- USD: 527.30 tenge;
- RUB: 4.95 tenge;
- EUR: 544.86 tenge.
Other official rates can be found here.
The dollar in exchange offices across Kazakhstan:
- The dollar in exchange offices in Aktobe
- The dollar in exchange offices in Almaty
- The dollar in exchange offices in Astana
- The dollar in exchange offices in Karaganda
- The dollar in exchange offices in Kostanay
- The dollar in exchange offices in Pavlodar
- The dollar in exchange offices in Semey
- The dollar in exchange offices in Taldykorgan
- The dollar in exchange offices in Taraz
- The dollar in exchange offices in Shymkent
Euros in exchange offices across Kazakhstan:
- Euros in exchange offices in Aktobe
- Euros in exchange offices in Almaty
- Euros in exchange offices in Astana
- Euros in exchange offices in Karaganda
- Euros in exchange offices in Kostanay
- Euros in exchange offices in Pavlodar
- Euros in exchange offices in Semey
- Euros in exchange offices in Taldykorgan
- Euros in exchange offices in Taraz
- Euros in exchange offices in Shymkent
Rubles in exchange offices across Kazakhstan:
- Rubles in exchange offices in Aktobe
- Rubles in exchange offices in Almaty
- Rubles in exchange offices in Astana
- Rubles in exchange offices in Karaganda
- Rubles in exchange offices in Kostanay
- Rubles in exchange offices in Pavlodar
- Rubles in exchange offices in Semey
- Rubles in exchange offices in Taldykorgan
- Rubles in exchange offices in Taraz
- Rubles in exchange offices in Shymkent