As of January 1, 2025, the coverage level of the Mandatory Social Health Insurance (OSMS) system in the capital reached over 83%, which is an increase compared to the same period last year. This was reported by the press service of the Astana akimat.
A meeting regarding the development of mandatory social health insurance took place at the akimat, chaired by the Deputy Mayor of the city, Erik Meirkhanov.
"Data shows that the majority of the uninsured are working citizens whose employers either make irregular contributions or do not make them at all. It is crucial to enhance the outreach efforts among employers and the citizens themselves so they understand the benefits of health insurance and the necessity of regular contributions," stated Gulzhan Shaikhibekova, director of the capital's branch of the Social Health Insurance Fund, in her report.
Furthermore, comprehensive measures were proposed to inform citizens about the rules for participating in the OSMS system, their rights and opportunities, as well as the consequences of lacking health insurance. Additionally, measures were suggested to engage the population in the OSMS system, including: organizing public receptions for outreach work with the population, strengthening individual work with target groups such as large families, service sector workers, individual entrepreneurs, and self-employed citizens.
"It is necessary to identify the main reasons why part of the population remains outside the OSMS system. This will help develop effective solutions to increase citizen awareness and improve the quality of medical care. It is important not only to identify problem areas but also to propose specific steps for their resolution. Based on the data obtained, targeted measures will be developed, and extensive outreach work will be conducted among various population groups," emphasized Erik Meirkhanov.