The General Prosecutor's Office discussed the current status of handling citizen appeals in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On November 26, a meeting of the board was held, chaired by Attorney General Berik Asylov, to discuss the status of handling citizen appeals in local executive bodies (LEBs), as reported by
The General Prosecutor's Office discussed the current status of handling citizen appeals in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The meeting was attended by responsible officials from the Presidential Administration, the Government Office, heads of relevant ministries, prosecutors from various regions, and regional akims.

The Prosecutor General highlighted the measures being implemented to strengthen the principles of a "Listening State," which facilitate communication with the public. This includes reforms in administrative justice, the launch of the "E-Otinish" platform, the establishment of new communication channels, and other institutions.

In line with the task set by the President in the September Address regarding the improvement of handling public appeals, Berik Asylov emphasized that the establishment of the ideology of "Law and Order" in society is intrinsically linked to the creation of effective mechanisms for dialogue between the government and the public. The quality of response to appeals in akimats not only affects the level of trust in the authorities but also the overall stability in the country.

Attention was drawn to the areas of greatest concern to the public, particularly land issues, construction, social services, housing and communal services problems, and decisions made by housing commissions of akimats.

During the meeting, the results of prosecutorial inspections and the measures taken were announced. It was noted that over the past 10 months, 2.1 million appeals were received by central government bodies, and 1.1 million by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

During the inspections, it was found that akimats were providing formal responses to appeals, causing delays, and failing to adhere to deadlines and procedures. Prosecutors issued oversight acts to the Government and regional akims regarding the identified violations. A total of 1,652 officials from akimats have been held accountable, including 601 from the management level.

The Government and akimats are encouraged to revise their approaches to analyzing socially sensitive issues using artificial intelligence and to widely utilize the potential of informational and explanatory work among the population.

Regional prosecutors have been tasked with working alongside authorized bodies to restore all violated rights of applicants and to annul illegal decisions.

As a result of the discussions, a series of recommendations were developed for the authorized bodies aimed at improving the quality of handling appeals.