On the awarding of state honors of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1. For exceptional achievements in the development of domestic science, as well as outstanding contributions to public activity:
to confer the highest degree of distinction – the title of “Қазақстанның Еңбек Ері” along with the special distinction sign – the Golden Star and the order “Отан”:
to Askar Serkulovich Jumadildaev – Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. For outstanding achievements in the socio-humanitarian development of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
to confer the highest degree of distinction – the title of “Қазақстанның Еңбек Ері” along with the special distinction sign – the Golden Star and the order “Отан”:
to Gulzhanar Moldakerimovna Nurpeisova – teacher at KGU “Special Boarding School No. 4”, Almaty.
to Elmara Askarovna Traisova – teacher at KGU “School-Gymnasium No. 34 named after Asan Taimanov”, Uralsk.
3. For outstanding contributions to production activities:
to confer the highest degree of distinction – the title of “Қазақстанның Еңбек Ері” along with the special distinction sign – the Golden Star:
to Georgy Georgievich Prokop – Director of LLP “Shakhterskoye”, Karaganda region.
4. This decree shall come into effect from the date of signing.