“There are certain concerns that a trade war may unfold. We have considered these scenarios. There was a question about the influx of Chinese goods due to the potential closure of the American market. The response is as follows: China produces a vast array of different products, and the demand for Chinese goods in America differs from that in Kazakhstan. In other words, preferences vary. Therefore, a significant influx is not anticipated,” said Kairat Torebaev to journalists in the corridors of the Mazhilis.
According to him, there are many enterprises in China, with some companies operating exclusively for the American market, where purchasing power is much higher than in Kazakhstan.
“The types of goods in demand there are of a different nature. Redistributing such products to the Kazakhstani market is quite challenging because they need to undergo new certification and registration in Kazakhstan. There are certain barriers that Chinese manufacturers will need to overcome, and, secondly, whether there will be demand for such goods in Kazakhstan is also a question,” the speaker concluded.