«Вдохновил на уверенность». В России отметили ключевой момент возвращения «Барыса» в КХЛ.

«Хозяева начали игру с серии интенсивных атак, быстро завоевав территориальное преимущество и получив возможность сыграть в большинстве. Хотя реализовать нарушение Оразова не удалось, "моряки" вскоре отметились заброшенной шайбой в равных составах. На 5-й минуте Дерябин нанес бросок с синей линии, и вратарь отбил шайбу на дальнюю штангу, где Шейн Принс, прервавший свою шестиматчевую безголевую серию, без помех открыл счет — 1:0.»
«Вдохновил на уверенность». В России отметили ключевой момент возвращения «Барыса» в КХЛ.

The Russian portal analyzed the key events of the KHL match between the Vladivostok "Admiral" and the Astana "Barys", as reported by

“The hosts began the match with a series of sharp attacks, quickly gaining territorial advantage and earning an early power play. Although they couldn't capitalize on Orazov's penalty, the 'sailors' managed to score while at even strength. On the 5th minute, Deryabin took a shot from the blue line, and the goaltender deflected the puck to the far post, where Shane Prince, who had been scoreless for six games, found the net — 1:0.

The Far Eastern team maintained a clear advantage and earned another opportunity to play with a man advantage on the 12th minute. By that time, they were more careful: Petukhov made a cross-ice pass to Daniil Gutik, who caught the goalie off-guard with his shot, extending their lead in the match to 2:0.

In the second period, both teams exchanged goals. Former 'Barys' forward Petukhov converted a penalty shot he earned, increasing the score to a significant 3:0, but the Astana team narrowed the gap by the intermission thanks to a powerful slap shot from Rakhmanov — 1:3.

A goal against 'Admiral' boosted the confidence of the guests, who made a comeback in the third period. First, under Mambetaliev's guidance, Kaiyrzhan completed a precise shot during a 'three on two' break, and with six and a half minutes left on the clock, Ivan Nikolishin scored the third goal, ultimately sending the game into an extra five-minute period — 3:3.

The hero of the match was destined to be 'Admiral' defenseman Alexander Shepelev, who marked his 100th KHL game by scoring: with 18 seconds left in overtime, Gutik took a shot on Boyarkin's goal, but the rebound landed on the crease, where Shepelev outmaneuvered a defender and found the right corner of the net — 4:3,” the media reports.